Former Palomar Systems and Programming Manager comes back to Palomar College to oversee the department as the new Director of Information Services. He hopes to make online schooling for the students less stressful and easier to use.
After just reaching the one year mark of Palomar College closing down due to COVID-19, Michael Day has become vital to Palomar’s online learning and teaching operation. With technology being an absolute necessity to learn and teach through this crisis, it is up to Day to make sure that everything is running how it should in the best interest of the students. Day also wants to make it easier for the teachers to communicate with their students.
The priorities Day wants to implement are fine-tuning the Information Services team so they can better accommodate those teachers who are working remotely.
Palomar College provides technical support to all students, teachers and other faculty members that are attending.
Day plans to build up technical support to meet students’ wants and needs. These include financial aid, enrollment and counseling since they relate to remote learning during the pandemic.
Day is confident that he can improve Palomar’s system immensely as he used to when he worked in the programming department five years ago. He is already familiar with the programming and guidelines that he used to gather Palomar College’s data.