Online dating can be a tricky place to genuinely find a person you connect with. It doesn’t give you the option to get to know a person well enough to build a meaningful connection.
Being able to connect with somebody without technology is something we don’t see as often in today’s society.
Meeting someone through work, at school, or in a cafe can give you a new perspective on that person’s character. Their expressions in person will be more genuine versus on the phone where you cannot see how they are reacting or what they are thinking of you.
It is hard for many people to date authentically these days because they are afraid of how they will be perceived during their first interaction with someone. Additionally, people are not truthful with who they really are on dating apps or social media.
According to a study by Statista, 4 out of 5 online daters said they have lied or exaggerated their image on dating apps or websites. Those that exaggerated believe that it is important to “look their best” online even if that means misleading others.
Digital dating may work for people who work from home, don’t like going out, or just don’t have the time to go out and meet people.
A study by Cloudwards found that, “54 percent of online daters in the U.S. say that relationships coming from online dating are just as successful as ones that begin in person.” However, meeting someone outside of the digital world is important because having a conversation that doesn’t require us to be stuck behind a screen is more fastening.

Dating site users need to be cautious with both online dating and meeting someone in person because there are situations where their date may not be who they claim to be. While either option present some uncertainty, online dating is more risky because it gives a person more freedom to give you false information about themselves. Instead of having a person present, you are solely relying on the persons words.
False information can extend to young people with more freedom to access technology. Many young people, like teenagers, are able to sign up on dating apps due to lack of age verification. Knowing that there are many young users, predators and swindlers will often take advantage of that.
According to inEQE Safeguarding Group, “This can leave them open to sexual manipulation, grooming, and exploitation.” It is important to put more age restriction verification to prevent young people from being on apps that may harm them. People under the age of 18 don’t typically have the maturity to understand or question certain behaviors online.
Meeting a person online can lead to misinformation on a person and make people have a hard time trusting them. Dating apps lose that sense of connection you have with a person versus when you meet face to face.
Connecting with a person at work or in a public setting can give you a first look at how they act and how you both work together. It will give you the chance to communicate without being glued to your screens all day.