SAN MARCOS – As final exams approach, Palomar College’s tutoring center is ramping up support to help students prepare for end-of-the-semester success.
The STAR tutoring center is located on the second floor of the library for non-STEM courses and the third floor of the library for STEM courses.
Services are available during Spring and Fall semesters, and during the Summer based on the budget. Last Summer, STAR tutoring only had a big enough budget for six weeks of tutoring. Alex Cuatok, Interim Manager for STAR tutoring, spoke on the budget for this upcoming Summer.
“I started in August, so I already have projected money for the Summer. I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Said Cuatok when talking about next Summers tutoring budget.
With the STAR tutoring center usually not being as busy, midterms and finals are something students should be ready for.
“Monday and Tuesdays are the busiest times for finals,” said Cuatok when asked about midterm and finals season.

As times are getting busier, the tutoring center is looking for students who are interested in becoming paid tutors. If students are interested in applying to become a paid tutor, students can fill out a student interest form.
The STAR tutoring center brings students together with the help of Palomar College Promise Program. They host skillshops such as “notetaking” for students. For a full list of these workshops and times, students can visit the Palomar Promise skillshops website.
There are also workshops such as “How to prepare for finals,” and scholarship workshops for student athletes. Monday nights from 5 PM to 8 PM, athletes go to the second floor to study, and get help from tutors if needed.
“We like our students to feel comfortable coming to the second floor to do their work, and form study groups,” said Cuatok.
To obtain tutoring services, students can walk in, and sign up for a 30 minute session. Based on availability, students are able to have more than one tutoring session per day. Students can also get online tutoring services by enrolling through the tutoring course through canvas. For more information on how to access online tutoring, students can watch the tutorial on their website.
Tutoring services are available on all Palomar College campuses. Students can get hours and addresses on the tutoring website. For a full list of what courses are available for tutoring, students can go to the STAR tutoring website. Students can get tutoring services Monday-Thursday 8 AM to 6 PM, and Friday 8 AM to 2 PM.
For more information on the STAR tutoring center, students can contact them at (760) 744-1150 x2448 or email them at [email protected].