I began attending Palomar’s Governing Board meetings last September and have since attended every meeting in person or over Zoom. Among the public comments, lengthy presentations, and monthly recaps, the lack of student presence has always stood out to me.
I’m not oblivious to why students don’t attend these meetings, even though they’re open to the public. The meetings are boring.
Who wants to spend a Tuesday evening listening to faculty, administrators, and Governing Board Trustees discuss business deals and curriculum? I’m sure most students don’t find watching a two-hour presentation about Palomar’s budget the most exciting way to spend their time. However, these meetings are important, and every decision the Governing Board makes determines our experiences as students.
Palomar’s Governing Board votes on items like class field trips, classes offered at Palomar, construction and improvement projects, and, ultimately, how Palomar spends its money. So, if you’re unhappy with something at Palomar, the meetings may help you be aware of what’s happening beyond your classroom and give you a chance to voice your opinion.
Public comments allow anyone attending to address the Board on matters at Palomar, following Government Code Section 54954.3. You do have to submit a public comment request before the meeting begins, but these public comments give you three minutes to share your thoughts with the Board. It’s very easy to submit a public comment request, and in my time attending the meetings, I’ve seen many attendees submit last-minute requests with no issues.
Don’t like the food offered on campus? You can use a public comment to share your request for different food to be offered. Are there structural problems with the classroom you’re in? You can use a public comment to bring that to the attention of the Board.
However, not all public comments have to be negative. You can also use public comments to compliment Palomar and what it offers.
Have you benefited from programs like Student Life & Leadership, Cariño Dream Village, the Pride Center, or any other resource center on campus? Share your positive experiences with the Board and show appreciation for these programs, which could positively impact their funding and support.
Attending meetings can also help strengthen democracy and influence decision-making, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. Even the Girl Scouts have called public meetings a “cool” place to hang out because it’s a way to take action in your community.

Palomar is our community. No matter where we live and work outside of school, we’re also part of Palomar’s community. As students, we should attend Governing Board meetings to help amplify our voices in the community.
I know some may ask themselves, “Why should I care? I’m only here for two years.” I understand that Palomar is a stepping stone on our path. But what we do here matters, from our classes to how we use our voices. While we may not be here to see the rewards of our public comments, the next batch of students will.
According to Governing Board calendars, meetings are supposed to be the second Tuesday of every month in room 436 of the Learning Resource Center (the library). You can also attend the meeting on Zoom. For information about all meetings happening at Palomar, visit BoardDocs.
While I remain hopeful to see more students in the crowd, I know I’ll be there in the front row no matter what.