THUMBS DOWN – The campus at Palomar College is clean and tidy. The landscaping is pleasing to the eye. The building upgrades are necessary and a new stadium is being built. All of that is great! What is not great? The cell service in some areas on campus here at Palomar College’s San Marcos campus.
Outside, this is not an issue as one’s spouse, or child, or employer can make contact as needed. But inside some of the buildings and classrooms, the cell service can be limited to LTE (Long Term Evolution) with a single bar and often only SOS.
For the most part, there is no issue with students and instructors being unavailable while in class or meetings. In fact, having “do not disturb” time during instruction is useful in reducing the distraction that erodes focus. Students are here to learn after all.
What is an issue, is the absolute unavailability of people on campus at Palomar during actual emergencies.
A child is sick, a husband has been in a car accident, or a basement is flooding. Please please please allow them to contact a person if these things are happening.
It is not an impossible request. Just down the road, at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) individuals are able to contact and be contacted by phone because of the superior cell service.
This is a matter of essential infrastructure.