Palomar’s Associated Student Government (ASG) will be holding its annual election this week, however, there are numerous features that make set this one apart from elections in years prior.
This will be the first election in years that there are numerous contested positions. There will also be a new constitution on the ballot, that will create seven new executive positions to delegate duties out to board members more efficiently, among other things. There will be two other initiatives involving student representation and activity fees, that will be an optional $2 fee that students paying during enrollment. In addition, there will be an additional initiative to provide stipends to ASG members who put in significantly more hours than is minimally required by ASG bylaws.

During ASG’s election forum on April 16, two candidates for president, Amber Bancroft and Edy Saucedo spoke, as well as the candidate for vice president of communications, Kian Nourollahi, candidate for vice president of finance, Rachel Hargrove, and candidate for vice president of events Umida Lesicko.
One theme that was common for most of the candidates, was the understanding that there is a disconnect between being a student at Palomar, and being a part of the Palomar community.
“I think that the main missing experience that the average Palomar student has, is being part of something bigger,” Nourollahi said. “They usually, from my experience, they go to their classes, they sit through their classes, and then they usually just go home.”
Lesicko is hoping to change this to a degree through her position vice president of events, if elected. One of the biggest things she is would like to do if elected is host mental health awareness events, especially during the month of May, as it is mental health awareness month.
“I think it’s important to include that,” Lesicko said. “Because there are students that struggle on campus, and giving them the resources and the help that hey need is what will help them through their college years.”

Hargrove also noted that it is important for the ASG to be an advocacy force for students, noting that it is important to step up in helping those in the student body who are homeless, or facing financial trouble.
Students should receive an email on their student account on April 23, iit will include a link to the voting ballot that will ensure that all voters are registered students, and that no student votes more than once. If you do not have access to a computer, you may utilize the computers in the ASG senator’s office at SU-102.