SAN MARCOS– Governing board incumbent Nancy Ann Hensch won her re-election bid Tuesday night.
Hensch earned 22 percent of the vote — the most of any candidate — with 100 percent of the precincts reporting. She is one of the five representatives of the college’s board. She will serve a 4-year term.
“I am excited for the opportunity to further my work for the district,” Hensch said in an email after repeated attempts for contact. “I was at home with a close friend and my dog propped up on the couch as we watched all of the election results come in. I am so pleased with my re-election.”
Hensch won the election despite not participating in the governing board candidate debate, which took place in Palomar College student center on Oct. 18, in which only Tim Fillinger and Rosemarie Dishman participated.
She was the only newcomer candidates to receive an endorsement from the faculty union.
When asked what contributed most to her campaigns success, Hensch said, “My past work here at Palomar, my presence in the community, my efforts to make sure that students and staff are celebrated and finally I believe that my vision for Palomar resonates with the community.”
Hensch was born and raised in San Diego county, and received her bachelor’s degree and education specialist teaching credential from California State University, San Marcos. She is currently a special education teacher at a Carlsbad elementary school.
Hensch has completed one, four-year term on the governing board, during which she fought to increase student enrollment, something which she wants to continue doing in her second term
“I am hoping to work to support the district as we continue to engage our K- 12 partners and working to engage the community to support the Palomar Promise,” Hensch said.
Palomar Promise is a program in which graduates of high schools in the Palomar College district can receive a free year of tuition at the College.