Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton came out swinging at each other in their epic showdown of a debate.
The first Presidential debate of 2016 took place Sept. 26 at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Moderator Lester Holt led the questionnaire discussion but had a hard time keeping control of the arguing between Clinton and Trump.
The debate was shown almost entirely with Clinton and Trump’s faces on split screen. This ingenious way of presenting the debate really allowed the viewer to see every reaction from smirks to frowns while the other spoke. Clinton began the debate in typical politician speaking way, sounding robotic and using lots of big words that mean nothing.
The two went at it with each other, Clinton going hardest on Trumps tax reform policies as well as his personal tax information, and Trump hitting her just as hard saying things like, “ I don’t believe she has the stamina to be president.”
In past debates other candidates have cracked under Trump’s witty jabs but Clinton handled it surprisingly well, hitting him just as hard back.
Who won this debate? Neither in my opinnion. It seemed that they were more focused poking at each other trying to prove who’s more of a liar rather than talking about what they intend on doing for our country. Bringing up the never ending talk on Clinton’s emails and Trump’s failure to share his tax returns.
Clinton spoke as if she rehearsed all the things she was going to say. As for Trump, he followed his typical platform of not being politically correct and at times that threw Clinton off with what she was saying. While other times it made him appear unprofessional.
One of the most heated talks was on race relations with the police force. Clinton started off, “Race remains a significant challenge in our country. Unfortunately, race still determines too much,..” Clinton seems to be saying this to appeal to minorities and win their vote whether she means it or not.
Whereas Trump started with, “Well, first of all Secretary Clinton doesn’t want to use a couple of words and that’s law and order. And we need law and order.” Trump focused on the importance role of our police force rather than unequal rights. Neither emphasized the importance of both topics police and race.

For many Americans, specifically young adults, I think this debate only confused me and everyone else more on who to vote for. With two more debates to come hopefully it will clear up the confusion. Either way our country is in for a drastic change whether it’s Clinton or Trump.