Coffee and Cannabidiol (CBD) oil go together like cookies and milk.

If you love coffee, but hate the feeling of heightened anxiety after drinking a cup, CBD oil might be your new best friend. CBD oil provides the medical and therapeutic effects of marijuana, without the stereotypical ‘high.’ Bump is the first coffee shop in the area to serve CBD oil in any of their handcrafted drinks.
While it is great to not nearly have a panic attack after drinking a second cup of coffee, CBD oil provides long term health benefits. It has been proven to help with conditions such as depression and anxiety, something that unfortunately, many people suffer from. It can also help prevent type 2 diabetes and ease menstrual cramps.
It all starts with the beans. Bump’s espresso is certified organic and roasted in San Diego. These beans are carefully roasted in order to ensure consumers get the most out of their coffee. Antioxidants fight off elements that are naturally found in the environment that damage cells and have been found to cause cancer. By drinking the daily recommended dose of coffee (2-3 cups), you are reducing the chance of getting heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

“Americans get more antioxidants from coffee than any other source,” says Joe Vinson, a chemistry professor at the University of Scranton. Bump is making it easier for Americans to get antioxidants by providing delicious, top of the line coffee with a few drops of CBD oil.
Since CBD oil is legal you can find CBD oil at nearly any health store, or even on Amazon. Just a few drops of this in your cup of coffee can provide you with intense relaxation, and medicinal effects. Bump is the only coffee shop around that carries CBD oil to put into coffee.
CBD oil and coffee both have an effect on the adenosine chemical found in the body. This chemical tells the body when it’s time to stay awake, and when it’s time to go to sleep. Caffeine ‘blocks’ the body from being able to feel the calming effects of adenosine. CBD, on the other hand, increases the amount of adenosine for the body to use. When taking coffee and CBD oil in one dose, you will find yourself awake and more alert, but you won’t get jittery.
CBD itself is known to boost your mood and give you energy. Because like most people, we find ourselves in the best mood when we are awake and ready to take on the day. When regularly taken, you will find it easier to wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night, because CBD contains serotonin.
The coffee industry is constantly changing and creating new trends. We have all heard of “bulletproof coffee,” which is essentially a tablespoon of pure butter in coffee, and most of us went straight to Starbucks after seeing the new unicorn frappuccino on instagram. Considering CBD oil is high in antioxidants, it may be a good idea to incorporate it into your daily routine and the best way to do so is to enjoy it in your morning cup of coffee.