Palomar’s Halloween Escape featured games and events, including a skull decorating contest, musical chairs and a costume contest.
Several students participated in the contest, with costumes including Spider-Man, “kawaii,” Hermoine from Harry Potter, the Ring Girl, and more.
It was all part of the Oct. 29 event where students, faculty and administrators gathered to celebrate Halloween in the Student Union quad. The event was hosted by the Inter-Club Council and organized by Event Chair Blanca Yanez.
Click here to view more photos from Halloween Escape
The event featured booths for clubs and other organizations on campus to reach out to the Palomar community and celebrate a beloved holiday. There was food, live music by the Dapper Bandits, and most of the booths featured games where students could win candy and other prizes.
The winner of the overall category for the costume contest was Phoebe Tarronas, dressed as the Ring Girl. Her long black hair contrasted again her pale white make-up.
Tarronas stayed in character during the entire contest. When she was announced the winner, she fell into a back bend, showing off her contortion abilities.
Tarronas, 17, has been practicing contortion for 10 years. This Fall semester is her first here at Palomar and she said she is a forensic psychology major.
Many clubs and organizations set up booths to promote their events, and celebrate the holiday. The organizations who participated include the GSA, The Telescope, the Tech Club, MEChA, the International Club, the Geo Science Club, the Archaeology Club, Circle K International, Gender and Women’s Studies Club, Veteran Services, and others.
“Big Sid” Matlock came to represent the Child Development Club. Matlock said he was happy to participate and reach out to his fellow students. He explained that, at this point in the semester, most students have been working very hard, which makes it especially important to celebrate.
Many of the booths featured games such as Halloween Pong, dinosaur bowling, spin the quarter in the spiral, Wheel of Trivia, guess what’s in the bag, and more. Many of the booths gave out candy, a sweet Halloween tradition, and MEChA even held a raffle to give away a piñata.
“It turned out great,” Yanez said.