February 8 2015 Photo credit: Belen Ladd

Feb 4. Photo credit: Christopher Jones

February 8 2015 Photo credit: Belen Ladd

Feb 4. Photo credit: Christopher Jones

Feb 4. Photo credit: Christopher Jones

For the past 60 years, Palomar has had a wonderful and constantly developing photography program. The department likes to promote the talent of their students through galleries and art shows.
This year is being kick started with the Enlightened Lens photography show here in San Marcos. The event began on January 11th and ends February 25th.
The Photography Faculty members received 180 submissions from students in the program ranging from beginner photographers to experts in this field. Palomar College’s Photography department staff judged every photo and picked out 60 photographs to display for this annual show.
So if you have the eye for photography, check out these brilliant works of art.
Or perhaps, enroll in a class and take a spin on the wild side with a camera in your hand.
Where: Hearth Gallery
San Marcos Community Center
3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos
When: January 11th – February 25th
Monday – Friday 8a.m.-8p.m.
The types of photography varies.
There may be:
- Black and White Film-Based
- Color Film-Based
- Black and White Digital
- Based
-Color Digital-Based - Advance Techniques
- Traditional Techniques
A lot of the art here will also be on sale!
Since Palomar is a melting pot of students, the pieces of work are diverse due to the fact that each person has walk a different path in life. Some may have just graduated high school, while others may have more experience in life.
For more information contact: Palomar College Photography Department at 760-744-1150 x 2384
Donna Cosentino, Photography Faculty, 760-484-3951