Story by Haley Hardy
The company Juul has been targeting teens with ads and it needs to stop. Vape pens were initially developed to help adults who wanted to stop smoking. Vaping has become popular...
Students who create clouds of smoke on campus should not only feel responsible for diminishing the health of others, but also feel guilty for breaking the smoking-free and tobacco-free campus policies...
Smoking is a nasty habit that is unfortunately addictive and smoking areas degrade the overall campus vibe.
Community colleges need to continue their no smoking on campus ban. It poses a risk to the...
One of every five deaths in the U.S. is related to a preventable disease caused by smoking according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
If you want to quit smoking Palomar College Student...
"To vape or not to vape?"
This was the question that was posed at the Health Center's seminar "Truths about E-cigarettes and Vapes" held on April 19. The meeting authored a discussion about different...
The tobacco policy at Palomar College seems to be up to interpretation by students and administration. There is no clear view on who enforces...