“Parasite” is a film that might make you sit on the edge of your seat and give you a rush of surprise.
Directed by Bong Joon-ho, the movie was released on Oct. 5, 2019. It received four academy...
Disturbing yet charming as always, “The Addams Family” continues to wow audiences with its values.
“The Addams Family”, directed by Conrad Vernon, is a hilarious movie, through and through....
Story by: Jahaida Ramirez-Santiago and Victoria Price.
The final "Avengers" movie is finally here, and the tickets are selling out. "Endgame" broke the record for pre-sale ticket records the day they...
Story by Jordan Spurgeon
SAN MARCOS --- The Student Health Center and the Student Wellness Advocacy Group will be hosting a “Movies for Mental Health” event.
The two-hour long event will be...
It’s that time of year again where the alarming shades of pink flood the stores sending terror through men around the world.
Though it is a day most dreaded, Valentine's Day gives fans of...
As a special gift given by her mother before she passed away, Clara must obtain a key to open the box. Her godfather gifts her the key, and just as she is about to grab the key, a mouse takes it instead,...
Every year, people of all ages prepare for the constant airing of Halloween themed movies on the family and movie channels. While there are many films to choose from during the month of October, some stand...
San Marcos is a glorious place.
The temperature often doesn't dip beneath 70 degrees and people appear generally upbeat.
So why not go on a date with your significant other? There are tons of places...
In 2018, it’s time that we give mainstream media recognition to movies featuring characters who aren’t straight white people.
Directors and filmmakers have gotten backlash for years due to white...
A popular novelty game among families is “the quiet game”. Typically when a group of people attempt to be completely silent, it’s only a matter of time before someone laughs or talks. John Krasinski’s...