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The Student News Site of Palomar College

The Telescope

The Telescope

The Telescope

Job Opportunities for Students

Carina Arenas March 1, 2023
Students can find part-time jobs and federal work-study opportunities through Palomar's HR services.

Study Tips For Students

Christopher Gallegos February 28, 2023
Tips and tricks to help get through your spring semester classes
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Palomar’s Parking Should Be More Affordable & Accessible

Erica Howell February 17, 2023
THUMBS DOWN - Let's make parking safe and easier for everyone!

Palomar offers payment plan to help students with tuition

Trina McLeary December 13, 2021
Palomar offers students the option to pay for classes in monthly installments.

Transitions Program at Palomar offers education to incarcerated

Telescope Staff September 1, 2021

Transitions takes on a whole new meaning as more formally and currently incarcerated students join our Palomar community on their way to getting their GED. The Palomar College Transitions Program assists...

Students Set to Receive More Financial Aid at Palomar

Story by Morgan Davidson, Natalie Gutierrez and Jamie Martinez Palomar is expected to receive more financial aid within the coming months to help students. The school’s Finance & Administrative...

Students Respond to Palomar Counseling Services During COVID-19

Jamie Martinez April 6, 2021
Palomar College students discuss their experiences with the Counseling Department during the pandemic.

Palomar College’s Roles in Benefiting Students

Parker Meister February 17, 2021
Palomar continues to stay committed to the students and accommodates them in anyway way they can.

SDSU and Palomar Joint Program Offers Online Bachelor Programs

Jacob` Kilborn February 10, 2021
Winter of 2021 offers new opportunities for Palomar students interested in bachelor programs.
Graduates await their names to be called during Palomar College 2016 Commencement Ceremony on May 20. Niko Holt/The Telescope

Palomar officials to host virtual Commencement ceremony

Jen Schildge May 10, 2020

Palomar College is celebrating graduates by putting a new twist on graduation by hosting a virtual commencement ceremony for the 2020 graduates. If chosen to participate in the celebration, students can...

The Telescope Weekly

Here’s what’s happening at Palomar College this week

Ana Acosta May 4, 2020

Happy Monday Comets! There’s a lot happening in the world nowadays, but here’s a list of reminders and news about what’s happening at Palomar College this week. Dropped courses: deadlines,...

Veterans Resource Center

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs protects student GI Bill benefits during COVID-19 crisis

Amber Robinson April 8, 2020

Story by Amber Robinson As COVID-19 continues to redefine Palomar’s scholastic landscape, veteran students are concerned with potential changes in their GI Bill education benefits, a concern quickly...

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