Story by Jordan Spurgeon
SAN MARCOS --- The Student Health Center and the Student Wellness Advocacy Group will be hosting a “Movies for Mental Health” event.
The two-hour long event will be...
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Palomar College will be providing movie showings in participation.
Palomar College’s Student Health Center and Active Minds Club is teaming up...
The SU-Quad is now housing a quiet, user-friendly space for student mothers and employees to breastfeed.
The POD, developed by the company Mamava, was created in the interest of providing a cleaner...
Planned Parenthood was on campus on March 8 providing free services for students.
Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest made it's first regular visit to Palomar in an effort to educate students...
Getting tested for HIV is quick and easy.
The Student Health Center will be offering free HIV testing from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on March 13 in room ST-72; located inside the Palomar College Pride Center.
Head over to the Student Health Center for free flu shots to beat the bug during the winter season.
Appointments for the main campus can be made from Monday through Wednesday and are required in order...