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The Student News Site of Palomar College

The Telescope

The Telescope

The Telescope

Anel Gonzalez (CCE President) attentively listening to the grievances of Cynthia Davalos (back to the camera), a custodian. Sonny Cavarlez/The Telescope

Grievance filed over custodial hiring postponed as negotiations with District continue

Ana Acosta May 20, 2019

Story by Ana Acosta The Council of Classified Employees filed step four of the formal grievance regarding the outsourcing of custodial jobs, and the grievance has since been temporarily suspended. In...

outsourcing palomar jobs

Classified Employees files grievance, union says custodians ‘spread too thin’

Ana Acosta March 4, 2019

Story by Ana Acosta The Council of Classified Employees filed a formal grievance over hiring issues for custodial and campus maintenance workers. With the recent influx of new buildings on campus,...

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