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The Telescope

Design by Monica Garcia Photo credit: Monica Garcia

The Gender and Women’s Studies Club Changes Up Their Name and Their Game.

Monica Garcia March 5, 2024
The Gender and Women’s studies club (GWS) considers a name change with a fresh look at student outreach exploration and representation.
Gender and Women's Studies Logo 

Photo By: Evelyn Galan Photo credit: Evelyn Galan

Palomar’s Gender and Women’s Studies Club

Rachel Hyman November 13, 2023
What is the Gender and Women's Studies club?

Former Palomar Library to be Renovated into Student Hub

Adam Correa November 22, 2020

SAN MARCOS–The LL Building on the Palomar San Marcos campus, the former library, is to be remodeled into a "retention center" for students. Palomar College officials are planning to house clubs, counseling,...

At a Palomar College forum on the Prison Industrial Complex, Rocio Zamora debates a community member that defends the prison system. Zamora's cousin was killed by Vista police when he was shot 17 times in the back. (Pat Hartley/The Telescope)

Uprooting a culture of Mass Incarceration

Pat Hartley January 17, 2020

Some blame police brutality on a few bad apples in law enforcement. Some blame mass incarceration on drugs or rising crime. Despite violent crime dropping drastically since the 1990s, the U.S. prison...

MEChA held club elections on May 14, 2019. Standing (from left to right): Nancy Morales, Daisy Zavala, Joseph Atemoa, and Junessa Reyes. Kneeling (from left to right): Ana Juarez and Evie Rivera. (Photo courtesy of Nancy Morales)

M.E.Ch.A. Election Results

Ana Acosta May 20, 2019

Story by Ana Acosta   SAN MARCOS --- MEChA held club elections to prepare for the upcoming semester on May 14. Students gathered in room MD 317 to vote on candidates running for positions....

telescope news

Meet the clubs

Robert Shepherd October 4, 2017

Palomar clubs are offering opportunities for students to get involved on campus. Seventeen clubs, focusing on a variety of interests, are currently registered with the Inter-Club Council, and they are...

Salena Woodall from Botany Club at Club Rush on Sept. 13, 2017 at Palomar College. (Iray Gomez/The Telescope)

Club Rush has long awaited for activity boom

Gehrig Rosen October 4, 2017

After several semesters of low involvement, clubs saw a boom of student attendance. At Palomar College, Club Rush has had big club turnouts and widespread student participation or has had very low participation...

telescope news

Associated Student Government, what you need to know

Linus Smith April 14, 2017

Palomar elected student representatives are in charge of implementing programs and activities for students through an annual budget of $30,000. The ASG serve on various committees to ensure that the...

Forrest Ponsot, is seen holding a sign promoting the philosophy club as he waited for students to approach his booth Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017, during club rush at Palomar College. (David Santillan/The Telescope)

Club Rush falls flat in Quad; poor attendance

Telescope Staff February 27, 2017

Written by Michelle Schneider Club "Rush" implies a fast-paced, high-energy event, but this semester's event only showcased five clubs. On Feb. 14-15, clubs set up rows of red tented booths in front...

Palomar College welcomes new and returning students for the Spring 2017 semester. (Johnny Jones/The Telescope)

Campus clubs look to recruit new students for Spring

Jacob Tucker February 15, 2017

Palomar College clubs will rush the the SU Quad on Feb. 14-15 to gain students for the new semester. Club rush is scheduled for the beginning of every semester on campus. The event is a time for student...

On-campus clubs get a chance to introduce theirselves to students and vise vera during Palomar’s Club Rush event. Feb. 8, 2016. (Belen Ladd/The Telescope)

Clubs on campus start anew this fall

Hayley Stevenson September 7, 2016

With the Palomar College campus buzzing with activity during the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester, students might want to get involved on their campus by joining a club. Some of the returning clubs...

Palomar welcome new and retuning students for the Fall 2016 semester with information, wellness and social group with static displays on Aug. 22, 2016. (Johnny Jones/The Telescope)

Gallery: Week 1 Fall 2016

Telescope Staff August 25, 2016

Palomar College Fall 2016 classes started on Aug. 22, 2016.  A variety of photos representing the first week of classes.  Photos by Telescope Staff

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