Submissions for Bravura: The Literary Journal of Palomar are now open. Photo credit: Cynthia Cunningham
SAN MARCOS — Bravura, the literary journal of Palomar, is celebrating its 60th anniversary, and they’re inviting students to submit their work to be published in its upcoming publication.
Bravura is Palomar’s student-led literary journal. The journal aims to showcase all art forms, including poems, stories, personal essays, photographs, illustrations, and more. If it’s a form of art that can be captured and printed, Bravura is interested in publishing it. Current and former Palomar students and high school students are invited to submit their work. The deadline to submit is March 15.
Bravura is not just a literary journal, but also a class. Bravura, listed as English 137, has been a feature of Palomar since 1964, and the class is currently led by advisors Clare Rolens and Stacey Trujillo. The pair took over as advisors for the class in 2019. And while they are there to support the students, the journal is led by students. Students lead everything from submitting their entries, to editing submissions and designing the journal.
Rolens and Trujillo understand that producing creative work can be very personal and that sharing that work can also feel intimidating. However, the validation from having your work seen by others can be rewarding.
“There’s something vulnerable about that… It also takes a leap of faith,” Rolens said. “One student told me that her family was like, ‘Oh, you’re writing, that’s nice,’ and then she got an award… It made her feel like what she was doing was important.”
Rolens also explained that submitting to Bravura can help students get published and national recognition for their work. She views Bravura as a helpful first step for them, and she respects those who share their work with Bravura. And while creating art can feel very solitary, submitting to the journal can help students connect with other artists.
“It’s important for them to know that we recognize that vulnerability, and we respect it,” Trujillo added. “And even if it’s something that you know is not quite ready for publication, or it needs revising, we have writing workshops,” Trujillo said.
There will be two workshops held. On March 5, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Students looking to enter can meet with the Bravura team in person in room H-104 on the San Marcos Campus. For those who can’t make it in person, a Zoom session will occur on March 7 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Students are encouraged to submit their work before the workshop by emailing bravurasubmissions@gmail.com with the subject line “Workshop.”
These workshops allow students to have their work reviewed by the editors. The goal is to help everyone prepare their work for publication, while building a connection between the students submitting and those running the journal.
“It’s a great way for us to recognize the great work… And I think the students deserve that kind of recognition,” Trujillo said.
Student recognition is the goal for Rolens and Trujillo. As advisors for Bravura, their most memorable moments come from watching students who were nervous about their work turn into confident, award-winning artists. And as artists, they understand how intimidating it can be to put your work out there. But they encourage all Palomar students, current and former, to take a leap of faith and put their art out into the world.
“Putting yourself out there is a good thing to do. It’s scary, but get the work out… It’s like a kid getting ready for kindergarten… But you gotta take that leap of faith,” Rolens said.