Palomar's Health Center has biweekly doctor visits for students to take advantage of. Jan 26, 2016. (Christopher Jones/The Telescope)
Health Services offered to Palomar College Students
SAN MARCOS—Palomar College students are responsible for paying the mandatory student health fee. Regardless to students, many are unaware of the services offered. The Medical Health Center is available for Palomar College students, providing a variety of health services.
“Our department is Health Services and it comprises three areas, including behavioral health counseling services, student health services and health promotion,” said Palomar College’s certified Health Service Specialist, Lenka Schalkle.
Palomar College’s Behavioral Health Counseling service is available via Telehealth, phone calls, or secure Zoom video. Staff is available on campus, Monday through Thursday, and currently working remotely on Friday. Students can still be seen in person, although they need to be screened, test negative and wear a facial covering, following CDC regulations in health care settings.
The Health Services also offers workshops to students. “Workshops are just one avenue, but we also put out announcements through email flyers and social media, covering nutrition, physical activity and mental health,” said Schalkle.
Health and wellness events workshops are all virtual and accessed via Zoom. October workshops will include National Latinx Workshop, Mindful Monday’s and Wellness Wednesday’s. National Latinx Workshop is partnering with True Care and Palomar College Pride Center, discussing awareness of national Latinx Aids awareness day, providing information on HIV testing and prevention.
Breast cancer awareness workshop on Oct 19 will also be collaborating with True Care and providing education about breast cancer. The workshop will teach students about screening, how to lower their risk factors and having mammograms early.
“All workshops are virtual until we receive further guidance, we’re hoping for the Spring 2022 semester to hold workshops on campus, this is to help mitigate the spread of Covid 19 and ensure the safety of students and staff, the majority of our services will continue to be virtual for fall 2021 semester,” said Schalkle.
Student wellness advocacy group workshops, S.W.A.G, is also comprised of the Student Health services health promotions, along with Mindful Monday’s and Wellness Wednesday’s series. During the second week of October, the focus will be on Healthy relationships for Monday and Wednesday is stress management.
“All our workshops are very interactive and encourage all students to unmute themselves, and post in the chat,” said Schalkle. Palomar College students attending the Zoom meetings can wait after the workshop to discuss topics, one on one with SWAG peers.
SWAG peers are Palomar College students and peer educators who work for the department to connect with students. SWAG provides resources to students and bridge them to programs offered. “Students often identify with their peers,” said Schalkle.
Palomar College students that are not vaccinated, will be required to get tested weekly for Covid 19. Testing sites are available at the former Palomar College Police Station in San Marcos, in lot 1 and 2. Testing will be conducted on Monday and Thursday from 7 am to 2 pm, and Tuesday and Wednesday from noon to 7 pm.
Palomar College’s Health Services is partnering with Champions For Health, offering services on campus Oct 14, from 8 am to 2 pm and again on Nov 18, from 2 to 6 pm. Champions For Health will be providing Covid 19 vaccination clinics and flu shots this Thursday for all Palomar College students and staff.
For more information on services offered or to make an appointment with Health Services, click here, or call 760-891-7530.