Featured photo illustration by Ana Acosta/The Telescope
Hi Comets, it has been 19 years since the catastrophic 9/11 attacks.
To honor the people who died, those who were injured, first responders, and those who have risen in service to protect our freedom, the Veterans Resource Center is hosting a Patriot Day Ceremony. It begins at 9 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 11 via Zoom.
For those who are not able to attend, the center noted other ways you can celebrate:
Volunteer. You can donate your time at one of Palomar’s Food Distributions. Other opportunities to volunteer in the community can be found here.
Bring a meal to a local fire station. Many fire stations cover food costs out of their own pockets. Here is a list of locations in San Diego County.
Go for a hike. One option is the Monserate Mountain Trail Loop, located by the Fallbrook Education Center next to Interstate 15. The trail is dotted with tribute markers for the 110 floors of the World Trade Center that firefighters climbed, a great way to reflect on how hard they fought to save lives.
The details for the Zoom call are listed below:
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Passcode: 452007
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