The Telescope logo. (Telescope Staff/The Telescope)
Story by Sundae Velasco
SAN MARCOS — The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) will be offering a skill shop on Depression Awareness and Suicide Prevention at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on May 1 and also 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on May 6.
The event will be in collaboration with the Palomar College Student Health Center and Student Wellness & Advocacy Group (SWAG).
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. It’s common among college students, being that the process of balancing school, work, friends and family while figuring out their future can be overwhelming.
This workshop will work to help students learn about triggers and symptoms of depression, warning signs of suicide and the resources available should you or someone you know need support.
Skillshops are free workshops taught by instructors, counselors, and experts — designed to foster success in the classroom, at home, and in between.
Contact the TLC San Marcos at 760-744-1150, ext. 3931 or email at SanMarcosTLC@palomar.edu to register today. For more info visit www.palomar.edu/tlc/sanmarcos.