Palomar student Susan Whaley demonstrates Pigeon pose. (Casey Cousins/The Telescope)
Stress comes with the territory of being a college student.
We made the choice to multitask, sacrifice and prioritize all the parts of our life. But it is possible to find serenity in all the chaos. Instead of giving in to the physically, mentally and emotionally draining, exhaustion of school, step away from the stress once in a while. Serenity is more valuable than the million tasks you appointed yourself.
The Pigeon Pose is a hip-opening technique to help you let go of tension building up in the body that stress causes and also to help you focus.
Start by getting on all fours and bringing one knee forward, resting it in a V-angle next to your hands. Your arms should only be slightly forward as you rest your palms on the ground to your sides. The leg that is not bent, or the “neutral leg” according to “Yoga Journal,” will be kept behind you in a straight position. Keep your hips parallel and sinking to the ground. It feels awkward at first, but try to keep your spine up straight with hips and shoulders facing forward.
The key to the Pigeon is balance. When you execute the pose you may feel slightly off balance because it is difficult to get your knee and leg tucked, while keeping the neutral leg straight and hips parallel. Be aware of the balance and shift slightly as to not tip over.
This can be a strenuous position the first time you attempt it so approach it gently and don’t force your body into it, as to not hurt your knees or hips. After warming up and a doing it multiple times, your body will eventually ease into it more comfortably.
Many of us think to be successful we need to keep going as we are constantly thinking about the next task on the to-do list. We don’t always allow the time to just sit and be. Instead of going, going, going all the time, breath in and remember it is better for your body, mind and heart to take a step back once in a while. Doing this allows you to quietly reflect about yourself and the world as stress is relinquished from your body and mind.
The Pigeon Pose can also combat procrastination as well as the sensation of a broken heart, according to the book “Yoga Cures” by Tara Stiles.
If you are worried about losing precious studying time, remember you perform better in every aspect of life when you are calm and collected anyway. No point in not enjoying the moment because you are too stressed and scattered.
You can always find the time to do yoga everyday, just by stepping away from your work for 10 minutes.