(John Lucia/The Telescope)
Balancing life in college may seem like a challenging task. Implementing these seven steps into your daily life, you will find that achieving the ultimate balance is possible. In the process, students are learning skills that will benefit them for the future.
When we balence our time, we are capable of achieving the highest levels of success. Employers always chose individuals who are always on time, organized, and get their work done efficiently.
By having these skills we prove that we are worth more leading to promotions, job opportunities and pay raises. Optimal balance creates room for endless possibilities and guides success.
1)Be Organized
By implementing a weekly schedule and to-do list, through Excel, Power Point or even a notebook. Students who choose to apply a weekly schedule and to-do list have reduced their chances of late assignments and diminish the anxiety that is built from work overload and poor organization.
2)Communication is key
Communication plays a significant role in our daily lives. Continuously conversing with your professors will also implement a better learning environment. This will also lessen the chance of confusion. Speaking with your employers and professors in regards to your weekly and monthly schedule will also reduce the chances of both overlapping over one another. When one openly expresses concerns to family and friends, this will allow you and your loved ones to prioritize. What comes first? Your midterm exam or your cousins or friends birthday party? By allowing your family to aid in your weekly schedule it will benefit you academically.
3)Have a support system
With a support system from your family, it is easier for parents to mandate that school is your first priority. It is easier to stand firmly and say no to your peers, when your parents have openly stated to your friends that you have too much homework and that the movies will have to wait until you have completed your assignments. It is possible for you to live a social life outside of your studies. A check list and a planner are the best tools many students and working professionals use today. By allotting a certain amount of time for fun with your loved ones is not a horrible thing, in fact, it is healthy. Studies must still come first, and communication will always play a vital role in your stance as to which is more important without offending your friends.
4)Take a step back and relax
Know when to take a break, many students feel that it is OKto continue studying or to go out and party all night. You believe you are Superman or Wonder Woman and choose to exert more energy than you are capable of. Knowing when to take a break, relax from your study grind and knowing when to step back and acknowledge that your body is too tired is one of the wisest choices a student will make during their college and professional days. By doing so this will reflect on a students overall grade point average. Take power nap in between courses, this will improve your ability to focus and re-energize your body to continue working. Studies have shown that by implementing 20 minute naps twice each day enhances motor performance.
5)Less Caffeine, eat more fruit
Refrain from consuming too much caffeine and implement more fruit in your diet. Consuming caffeine dehydrates the body, and hinders the mind’s capability to function properly. Recent studies have shown that caffeine decreases memory performance, further hindering a student’s capability to progress and to comprehend material in class. By consuming more fruits, the body is able to convert this natural glucose into a natural energy. The best energy for our bodies is a natural glucose that is derived from many different plants. Fruits being the best source for natural glucose enhances the mind and body, allowing students to continue their day feeling light, healthy and energized for the next task on their list.
6)Be Motivated
When you know you have a lot to do during the week it is best to think of your tasks in a more positive light. Students are more stress free by taking a step back and simply breathing in and out. Listening to soft music or taking a short walk outside also enables the mind to reduce stress. Students have more motivation to reach their goals when they are stress free. Living every day with small goals will not only alleviate stress and anxiety, but enable a sense of inner peace to enter.
7)Acknowledge your achievements
When you receive positive feedback it is always best to celebrate your achievements. Also keeping a diary of your progress alleviates any unwelcomed feelings of put downs such as a bad grade. By keeping a diary, you are reminded that you are capable of succeeding. Following these seven steps you will succeed. Document when you have successfully completed a task or done well on a quiz. It shows your family and yourself that you are capable of doing great things. Always remember that anything is possible if you put your heart, soul and mind into it. Acknowledging and documenting your achievements you further your self-image, confidence and credibility. Treat yourself to something special, whether it is an ice cream, a movie night with your friends or pizza with your family. Remember that you deserve this special treat because you earned it.