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Hello Readers!
Welcome to the first edition of ‘The Reader’s Corner.’ This is the part of my blog where I take a question, sent in by a reader, and answer it with my own personal, honest advice in the hopes that it will settle the worry in the hearts of those who may relate.
I have received many questions over the past few weeks from people hoping for a little help. However, the most common, heartfelt question I have been asked is one that I believe everyone can relate to: What is the best way to overcome past experiences?
This question may seem simple to some, but truly is a deep rooted issue that many college students face. Your past experiences can sometimes be a little overwhelming when we do not deal with them in the correct way.
The story of how you became the person you are today is so very special. Every detail sits silently in your subconscious mind, waiting to be recollected when need be. We hold our stories so desperately close to our hearts, afraid that they will be tampered with and tarnished if they are shared. Do not be afraid to tell your story.
We were all young once. We were all weak once. We were all innocent and vulnerable and blind once. We have all laughed. We have all cried. The memories that linger are the ones that meant the most at that very moment. They made you the happiest and they made you the saddest. They made you. Be grateful for every experience. Accept every lesson. Do not allow others to judge you based on your journey. It was not theirs for a reason. Do not be afraid of disappointing others; live for yourself. Follow your gut instinct because whatever is meant to be will be.
It is okay to look back in order to realize just how far you have come. Look back and remember the lessons. Grow. Find serenity in knowing you have overcome. Do not allow someone to tell you your story is less than or meaningless, that it does not compare to the lessons they themselves have learned. Your past is just that…Yours.

Email me with more of your questions at teakins@palomar.edu