SAN MARCOS- ASG meetings are a great way to learn about campus policy and upcoming events.
One interesting discussion point brought up at the meeting on Feb. 23, was the cameras around the student union. There are four operational cameras, two placed above the outside seating on the west side of the student union and the other two in between the buildings.

The cameras are recording, but not being monitored, ASG Executive Vice President Dana Garcia-Mendez said. Palomar keeps the recordings if there is an issue with theft or vandalism in the area to aid in investigation later, she said. Questions are to be referred to Palomar’s Police Chief Chris Moore.
Regarding the cameras, student Eric Preciadio said,” I hadn’t known of the situation.” He said the cameras are overall a good idea because of the potential benefit. “…for safety or to prevent stealing, people would be accountable.” He also notes that, depending on where the cameras are placed, it could also be an invasion of privacy.
The ASG also approved the use of the student union facilities for upcoming events. Professor Rita Compo Griggs of the Fashion, Merchandising and Design department, and student Dylan Clos, requested the use of the building for the upcoming fashion show on May 11, 2024. Modeling auditions will be held on April 10. The World Languages department will hold the popular Cafe International on April 9, and a gala for Palomar’s literary magazine Bravura will be held in the student union on May 17 as well. The groups had been advised to reserve the space via Facilitron.
In April, the Student Senate for California Community Colleges will hold its’ 2024 General Assembly in Santa Clara.

Additionally, Fabian Garcia was sworn in as the newest senator in the ASG at the Feb 23 meeting. With recent resignations, there are still open positions if students are interested in serving in student government.
Another topic was regarding prop M funds. Prop M, funded through the sale of bonds, was approved by voters in 2007 and is intended to maintain and modernize Palomar College. Here is a list of current and completed projects.
The ASG minutes present and past can be found here. They are open to the public, and also available via Zoom as are all the Palomar Community College District Governing Board meetings. The next meeting is on April 9.