The Telescope has chosen to endorse Palomar College Governing Board candidate David Vincent for District #3.
We concluded interviews conducted with both of the district’s candidates via Zoom. What led to our decision to endorse Vincent was our belief that he was genuine in both his actions and words, and his apparent capability of making the necessary decisions no one else wants to make. Altogether, he seemed to have the student body’s best interest in mind.
He was able to convey his emotions about wanting students to not only enjoy their time at Palomar, but to have a smooth transition into their lives after community college. He exhibited his passion for success for the students who attend the school.
While he wants happiness for everyone, he displayed the ability to make hard decisions that may leave some individuals unhappy. He has successfully run a business of his own for 25 years and counting, which led us to believe he is a capable and trustworthy leader with fiscal experience.
Vincent is not a just businessman with no connection to the school hoping to have a say in major decisions. He has children who attended Palomar in the past, meaning he is not likely to make decisions that are out of touch with the students’ desires. Having heard the concerns of Palomar students firsthand, he is presumably more than familiar with the struggles they face daily.
Roberto Rodríguez, Vincent’s opponent, possessed all of the right qualifications and appeared equally as genuine and dedicated to the well-being of the campus community. However, he does have current ties to the campus that could impact some potential decisions, and does not match Vincent’s expansive business experience.
The outcome of the Governing Board election has the power to shape the standards of our education as well as the impact each individual of the Palomar community.