Interviews by Cheyenne Cyr and Krista Moore

1. What’s your Year/Major?
J: I’m a Business Major, and I’m a sophomore.
S: I’m technically I’m a junior academically but a sophomore here and I’m a nursing major.
2. How did you get to play third base?
J: I picked third baseman because it was something I recognized and was familiar with from old games I played, I’ve always been an infielder.
S: I’ve only been at third for two years . My coach said to do it( in travel ball) so I did.
3. What is your favorite on-field moment so far in your career?
J: None that I can think of off the top of my head, no.
S: There is this thing called a mis-hit where they do a full swing but the ball only goes two feet, I ran and laid out to catch one.
4. Do you have a pregame meal/snack you eat before a big game?
J: I just chew plenty of gum.
S: I forget to eat, so coffee. That’s it.
5. What kind of goals do you have for the rest of the season or future?
J:Just to keep on playing for as long as I can.
S: Just keep holding it down at third and to make an impact while I’m here

6. Do you have a favorite athlete you look up to?
J:No, not really, just big-leagues in general, y’know?
S: Our whole coaching staff basically. If they hadn’t taught me how to do infield I wouldn’t have known how to do it.