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Palomar launched its very own app on May 25 of 2017. Palomar centered this as its soft launch and has begun a more robust marketing campaign this fall.
Since launching, the app has had 2,329 downloads with just over 400 downloads the first week of the Fall 2017 semester. 384 downloads are from Androids and the rest are downloads via Apple devices.
This app functions as an all access pass for Palomar students. Students log into the app using their student ID and password. They can view their classes, enroll into classes, check the bus schedule, listen to KKSM (the Palomar radio station), etc. Later this semester, students will also be able to pay their fees through the apps cashier function.
The app has had 12,000 visits thus far. Its top functions are students looking at their classes, their financial aid awards, checking holds, and using the map.
Connie Mouse, Director of Information Services, stated, “If you’re taking an online course, and the course is in Blackboard as suppose to Canvas…the discussion boards and the materials that are exchanged in the classroom environment in online classes are available.”
As the school is transitioning from Blackboard to Canvas this semester, Mouse later explained that they are working to have the app function with Canvas rather than Blackboard.
Beginning the process of building the app a year ago, Palomar worked with a third party, DubLabs, to develop the platform as well as involved students from the DIS program in making the app.
Mouse added, “[We] really value suggestions from the app users. If students have ideas, things they would like to see happening with the app, there is a feedback link inside the app and they can provide their comments and feedback about what we could do to enhance it.”
The app has received six reviews in the apple store all containing five stars, and five reviews in the google store with one three star review.
In the Google store, Kevin Jackson, who rated the app with three stars stated, “Still unfinished, great for the most part.”
In the Apple store, Doctor Money commented, “I downloaded the this on a whim while planning to come back to school. I kept having issues with the website on my laptop and having to switch between the different services. It is much easier on the app. More convenient. Easy to use.