The Palomar College Cabinet and Furniture Technology Department student Brett Ritchey saws a log on the sawmill with Liam Liedorff assisting. October 20, 2016. (Joe Dusel/The Telescope)
The Palomar College Urban Forestry program has on loan from Cal Fire a Wood-Mizer portable saw mill and two drying kilns. The saw mill is set up in a custom built timber frame structure. With this equipment the program is able to produce quality lumber from urban trees. This is wood that is not commonly found at commercial lumber outlets. The species harvested include redwood, ash, black acacia, pepper, silver maple, torrey pine, sycamore, pecan, elm, carrot, black oak and white oak. This lumber is then used by students to create cabinets, furniture, musical instruments and other wooden items. This is the only such mill in San Diego County. Joe Dusel/The Telescope