Donald Trump’s unconventional political manner scares me, but what he stands for, and preaches he will do if elected president has me sold.
When Donald Trump announced he would be running for president back in 2015 it seemed as bizarre as when Kanye West proclaimed at the 2015 MTV Video Awards, “I have decided in 2020 to run for president.” Yet here we are less than a month away from the election with it coming down to the wire between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Trump changed the game with his non politically correct attitude, and brought up issues that weren’t even being discussed until he threw them out there.
As a legal American resident, and Southern California inhabitant, his policies on immigration would positively affect us here in Southern California. Such as removing current illegals who disobey the law, which in turn makes for a safer living environment. Making our borders more secure to ensure more available jobs to those legally here, reducing the amount of illegal drugs smuggled in, and our tax money not funding those who are illegal.
The media likes to ignore benefits such as these, and instead focus on him saying, “We will build a wall,” as if he is referring to the Great Wall of China. In reality, the United States government has let immigration get out of hand to the point that serious matters need to be taken.

Let’s be honest, if college was free it would be like high school all over again. It would create even more competition and make the value of a degree almost meaningless. Instead Trump plans to make it, “.. easier to access, pay for, and finish,” according to his website. Trump’s plans for education mostly focus on benefiting grades K-12 which in turn build for a better future.
As far as protection, Trump intends on building our military to be stronger and better than ever. As CNN quotes, “History shows that when America is not prepared is when the danger is greatest. We want to deter, avoid and prevent conflict through our unquestioned military dominance,” Trump said. Where Clinton failed to protect the American lives lost in Benghazi, Trump intends on building military support strong enough to where that would of never happened.
I believe Trump’s policies are more promising than Clinton’s to rebuild this country into what it was once so esteemed for. Trump may lack politically correct talking skills, but that’s what he says his staff and office will be for. As a businessman he knows how to hire the right people to do that portion of the job for him. So strictly looking at his policies, he can “Make America great Again.”