Jessy Olvera showing her simple, chic style. (Emily Rodriguez/The Telescope)

Chic. Simple. Cute. That’s Jessy Olvera’s style and she owns it.
Olvera is a quiet girl with not much to say, but her style certainly speaks for itself.
While neither bold nor daring, Jessy’s fashion sense is one which clearly reflects her personality. That is what style is all about: creating a style that expresses who you are, rather than following trends that might not be in sync with everyone’s diverse personalities.
Olvera’s outfit is relaxed yet timeless, mainly consisting of black which is always elegant as it gives any outfit a classic and flattering look.
Her outfit consists of a loose black tee, black stockings, black ankle boots, a floral circle skirt with a hint of transparent black fabric at the ends, which adds a pop of color to her wardrobe, and classic stud earrings to keep it simple but add in a pop of bling. Her brown leather backpack also added a chic touch to her mostly black outfit.
Her style is a perfect example that there’s beauty in simplicity, and that a simple outfit can easily be vamped up with a few accessories and prints.
Olvera describes her style as “more of a plain style,” saying that sometimes she prefers to wear designs rather than solid colors, or as her outfit demonstrated in this case, solid colors with a pop of color. It’s the best of both worlds. But as she said, “it all depends.”
When asked about her fashion inspiration, Olvera said a lot of it comes from instagram, more specifically from a girl named McKenna whose style she describes as “super cool.”
But she revealed her true fashion inspiration comes from the beloved and iconic movie The Devil Wears Prada, which she said she watched three times in one day. “I really LOVE that movie,” she said. How can you blame her – that movie is a must-watch for any lover of fashion.
She’s recently also begun following top fashion industry names like Alexander McQueen and Dolce & Gabbana and said she’s keeping up with Fashion Week currently going in Paris, for ideas and inspiration.
When asked about her shopping destinations, she listed H&M; and Forever 21 as her favorite stores and she also said she’s gone thrift shopping a few times in seek of good finds, which she finds fun.
Just as style reveals a great deal about a person, so do their fashion inspirations. So, naturally, the question of who her biggest fashion inspiration was came up and her answer was actress Arielle Vandenburg.
Olvera fashion sense is very simple yet very expressive; it’s not overdone, and it is a genuine reflection of her personality. Her outfit flows nicely together, and each piece is unique – the way she pieced them together is where the true art lies – it’s what allows her outfit to speak a thousand words.